As for me and my mules,
We will serve the Lord.

OTTO WATCH GINGER: Ginger is a 20-year-old molly mule. She has been shown in saddle trail, in-hand trail, English Pleasure, hunter hack and dressage classes at the Fair as well as Whitewater shows. Ginger was the first mule to earn a Level 7 Stamp of Excellence certificate from the American Trail Horse Association, and recently earned her American Donkey & Mule Society’s Versatility Hall of Fame award. She is also a registered Delta Society equine and is certified to participate in equine assisted activities.

MISFIT FARM'S SIR JOHN: Johnnie is a 25 year old john or gelding mule. He was brought out of retirement to serve as our beginning instructor. He’s solid as a rock and loves attention. Johnnie recently made his showing debut at the 2009 Lemhi County Fair competing in mule halter and the in-hand trail class. Getta Bradley showed him at the WTRRA Fall Fling Fun Show and placed in introduction to dressage, but won the green exhibitor in-hand and ridden trail classes.

LOU: This gal is about 22 years old and will be starting her new career as a lesson equine. Though she has some trust issues, we are still confident that she will be perfect for teaching clients about building trusting relationships through time and understanding.
RAWHIDE: Currently the only horse in residence, Rawhide joined the Misfit Farm staff in October 2009. He is a 20 year old BLM buckskin mustang that was previously owned by WTRRA. He has been with WTRRA for over 15 years and has carried countless riders successfully for lessons and shows. He has been to numberous open shows as well as Special Olympic events. We are pleased that after such a long faithful career, that he can now enjoy a well deserved, semi-retirement here.

BONNIE: She is Bev's mule approximately 9 years old. Bonnie has a very alpha personality which means she knows how to use it to manage the herd. Though she is the youngest in our herd, she is also the lead mare and as such, offers alot in the way of teaching clients about self-confidence and attitude.

JOSEPHINE: 1989 World Champion Green Trail Mule - Bishop Mule Days
1990 Tournament of Roses Parade, ADMS Versatility Hall Of Fame recipient
Josie was an wonderful thoroughbred molly mule that had won numerous trail trials as well as countless Champion and Reserve Champion titles in Trail, English Pleasure, Hunter Hack, and Reining. A great, great grandaughter of the famous track legend Man-O-War, Josie was as comfortable in the show arena as she was packing in the mountains. In addition to being an incredible athelete, she was likewise a joy and a priviledge to know and ride. She is truely missed.

In October 2009, we had to put Lottie to rest due to senior issues. We'd had Lottie for 17 years, many of those spent as one of our lesson mules. She had introduced many folks to the loving nature of Long Ears and helped dispel many of the preconceived thoughts about them. She also helped many overcome various fear issues due to inexperience or previous injury. Lottie taught us all much the last few years especially and when it was time for her to go, it was done quietly with a tremendous amount of respect. To many, she may have just been a big old worn out draft mule. But to those of us lucky enough to have been recipients of her gentle nature and wisdom, she was truly a blessing. We are thankful that she had been a great healthy part of our lives.