Misfit Farm and W.H.O.A., (Wild Horses of Abaco) are proud to announce the “Abaco Barb Youth Project,” an opportunity for young people of all ages to participate in an international project to save the wild horses of Abaco Island in the Bahamas.
With an ancestry dating to the Spanish Conquistadors, the Abaco wild horse herd’s ancestors have roamed the beaches and forests of the Great Abaco Island for over 200 years. But now the herd is close to extinction. The “Abaco Barb Youth Project” came about after members of the now inactive Salmon Model Horse 4-H Club wrote letters to the Breyer Model Horse Company asking if they would create a model of one of the then remaining 11 Abaco Barb horses. Today they are down to 5 and without intervention, may be lost forever.

anuary 2005, a model of Capella, an Abaco Barb stallion, was released. Since then, both W.H.O.A. and the Salmon Model Horse 4-H Club had received inquiries from youth across the country as to how they too could help. Thus, the “Abaco Barb Youth Project” was created.
To participate, youths must pre-register their project idea to help the horses either by fund-raising or promoting them. When the project is complete, they need to send a brief report on their activity to earn a special recognition certificate for their efforts. This can be done as a class, club, or individual project. For complete details and project ideas, check out W.H.O.A.’s website at www.arkwild.org or e-mail abacobarbyouth@centurylink.net .
To participate, youths must pre-register their project idea to help the horses either by fund-raising or promoting them. This can be done by simply emailing the Project Co-ordinator, Susan Dudasik at abacobarb@custertel.net or by snail mailing her directly at PO Box 1086, Salmon ID 83467 of your intentions. As students engage in projects to assist the wild horses, they will be learning about bio diversity, how to save rare species, why to get involved, ways individuals can help conserve the precious lives on our planet. They will learn about the positive economic and cultural impact of conservation, they will have a chance to explore such diverse topics as eco-tourism, animal behavior, and so forth. While the subject is the wild horses of Abaco, the range of approaches is very broad, a great lesson in itself. How does a small herd of horses on a tiny island in the ocean affect the rest of the whole world? Projects can range from actual events students hold, especially if there is local newspaper coverage, term papers, letters to companies and friends for support, science projects, and etc.
When the project is complete, they will need to print and fill out a Fundraiser Report briefly outlining their activity, and then mail in to earn a special recognition certificate (suitable for framing) from us for their efforts. This can be done as a club or individual project and youth do no have to be 4H members. In addition, your story or project will be featured on our website. (See below for a list of recipients).

Helping the endangered Abaco Barb Horses, youngsters in the Lemhi Afterschool Promise program’s Fabulous 4-H Fridays made coin collection jars and customized letters to the Prime Minister of the Bahamas. The coin jars were placed in several businesses throughout Salmon and the youth raised a total of $40 for the horses. They will also have their cans out during the Salmon Select Horse Sale April 16th & 17th.
Left to right: Front Row: Kaden, Devin. Middle Row: Tyler, Dennis, Shawna, Dylan, Kayla, Noelle Backrow: Kaylee, Koty, Seth (standing).