Misfit Farm's Program Focuses on Human/Equine Relationships
Misfit Farm is a unique equestrian business, it is not a training stable. Instead its programs offer custom-tailored private and group horsemanship classes for riders using their own horses. This format allows the rider to have “hands-on” instruction so they can work with and train their own horse.
The program is heavily based on groundwork that takes this concept past the round pen to advanced levels. The riding classes focus on balanced or centered riding which is the foundation for both Western and English disciplines.
Misfit Farm’s program highly emphasizes natural horsemanship techniques with the goal to create a willing partnership between human and equine. Aside from the horsemanship classes, Misfit Farm also hosts various mini-clinics focusing on advanced ground work and trail obstacles.
For the past 25 years, Dudasik has been active with mules and has shown in open show English and Western classes, as well as jumping, reining and packing events. Riding Josephine, a molly mule owned by Joe and Bev Craigmile, Dudasik has won numerous trail classes, several trail trials, a World Champion Green Trail Mule title at Bishop Mule Days and rode in the 100th Tournament of Roses Parade. Currently she is showing Otto Watch Ginger, another mule owned by the Craigmiles, in English and trail events. Ginger is the first mule to receive the ATHA’s Level Seven Stamps of Excellence award. She has earned her American Donkey and Mule Society Versatility Hall of Fame award and is a registered Delta Society equine.
Dudasik’s equine passion is combining groundwork and trail obstacles. She feels this is something equines of any age can benefit from as well as those who spend time working in this manner. As a result, not only do riders tend to better their relationships with their equine but also end up with a well-mannered partner. In August 2010, Dudasik became a NARHA Registered Instructor.
Located at the end of Cemetery Lane, Misfit Farm currently has a roundpen, modified dressage arena, an arena type trail course, and a natural outside course. They offer both mounted and in-hand horsemanship classes for youth and adults. There is limited space for those wanting to learn about equines but don’t have their own animal. This particular program focuses on basic horse care and how to interact with equines on the ground. Other classes include introduction to dressage, mastering the art of the lunge line, in-hand trail, and ground manner clinics. Misfit Farm is also active in supporting the endangered Abaco Barb Horses located on Abaco Island in the Bahamas. For more information on Misfit Farm, contact Susan Dudasik at 208-756-3182 or e-mail misfitfarms@centurylink.net
Missy was the name of a small bay mustang filly that was born in the wild and rounded up prior to the film, The Misfits, staring Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe. Missy got her name from the movie which was about a band of misfit cowboys that rounded up wild mustangs. Missy was the filly that came up and nuzzled Gable at the end of the film. Aafter the film, Joe Craigmile purchased the filly and its mother for his wife, Bev Craigmile. Bev owned Missy for 25 years.
Since Bev and Joe had mostly mules, they wound up calling their place, Misfit Farm. When Dudasik started searching for a name for her business, she was likewise using mules instead of horses. "Since this dream of mine could never have become reality if not for Bev and Joe, it seemed only right to continue the name in tribute to them and Missy."
Fate intervened once again when in November 2009, Misfit Farm acquired Rawhide, a buckskin BLM Mustang. The gelding had been owned by the Whitewater Theraputic Riding and Recreation Association for about 15 years. Rawhide was one of their first horses and now upon retirement, it's only fitting that once again another Mustang has returned to Misfit Farm. "
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Last updated: 09-04-2011